Abstract submission open from 1 April 2019 to 31 May 2019 (final deadline)!
Dear participants
We kindly invite you to present your recent scientific data at our annual congress.
Abstracts will be selected by members of the scientific committees for one of the following presentation formats:
- Oral presentation: the abstract is selected for oral presentation at any of the offered paper sessions. Abstracts will be published in “Strahlentherapie und Onkologie“.
- Poster presentation: posters selected for poster viewing will be displayed throughout the meeting.
Presentation preference: authors should indicate the presentation preference (oral, poster or no preference).
Abstract review criteria are based on clarity, supporting data, scientific exactness, potential significance, and innovation or usefulness.
Only English abstracts will be accepted.
Abstracts on results not yet obtained will be rejected.
Instructions and guidelines:
The abstract should follow a clear structure:
- heading/title
- should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract
- Do not use capital letter in the title except for words that are always capitalised
- authors
- institutions (with a clear correlation to the authors with Arabic numbers)
- Sientific content:
- aims
- methods
- results
- conclusion
- Do not use non-standard abbreviations. Special or unusual abbreviations must be placed in round brackets () after the first mention of the word for which it stands.
- Word count: the online abstract submission procedure will not accept abstracts that exceed 2’200 characters (including spaces, including name of authors and institutions)
- Citation of literature is feasible and should start with authors, year of publication in brackets, title, journal, number of pages.
- Tables can be added; there should be a very clear correlation to the abstract, and the total lengths of the abstract should be taken into account.
- No images are allowed.
DEADLINE for abstract submission: 31 May 2019
You will receive a short notice about the rating of your abstract until mid/end of July, 2019!
For questions regarding the online submission process, please e-mail:
To the SASRO-Abstracts: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie