You can find more information about becoming a certified medical physicist on the website of the Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical physics (SSRMP) ->
A list of recognized continuous education in radiation protection is available here.
At the international level, ESTRO and the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), have recently published the 3rd version of the Core Curriculum for Medical Physics Experts in Radiotherapy. The aim is to support harmonization of training and cross-border mobility of medical physics experts in Europe. In addition, new developments in the field of radiation oncology have been included in this updated core curriculum.
Related publications:
Garibaldi C, Essers M, Heijmen B, Bertholet J, Koutsouveli E, Schwarz M, Bert C, Bodale M, Casares-Magaz O, Gerskevitch E, Koniarova I, Lisbona A, Lopez Medina A, Maas A, Moeckli R, Moore M, Petrovic B, Piotrowski T, Poli E, Prezado Y, Reynert N, Røe Redalen K, Stylianou Markidou E, Verellen D, Jornet N, Clark CH, The 3rd ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for medical physics experts in radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2022. Vol 170. P89-94. 2022.
Garibaldi C, Essers M, Heijmen B, Bertholet J, Koutsouveli E, Maas AJJ, Moore M, Petrovic B, Koniarova I, Lisbona A, Piotrowski T, Moeckli R, López Medina A, Stylianou Markidou E, Clark CH, Jornet N. Towards an updated ESTRO-EFOMP core curriculum for education and training of medical physics experts in radiotherapy - A survey of current education and training practice in Europe. Physica Medica. 2021. P84:65-71.