Abstract submission open from March 1st to June 1st (final deadline)!
Dear participants
We kindly invite you to present your recent scientific data at our annual congress.
We will have a review process for all abstracts regarding the scientific relevance. Members of the scientific committees will select the best abstracts for oral presentation and publication in „Strahlentherapie und Onkologie“ or for poster presentation. Abstracts of poor quality will be rejected.
To have the abstracts fitting for a publication in „Strahlentherapie und Onkologie“, please follow the instructions:
- Clear structure of the whole text: aims; methods; results; conclusion.
- The abstract should follow a clear structure:
- heading/title
- authors
- institutions (with a clear correlation to the authors with arabic numbers)
- text with scientific contents
- aims
- methods
- results
- conclusion
- Total lengths of the abstract in maximum 1800 characters (letters and numbers including all gaps; name of authors and institutions count separate; in total maximum characters 2500)
- Only English abstracts will be accepted for publication
- Citation of literature is feasible and should start with authors, year of publication in brackets, title, journal, number of pages
- Figures or tables can be added; there should be a very clear correlation to the abstract, and the total lengths of the abstract should be taken into account
DEADLINE for abstract submission: June 1st, 2016
You will receive a short notice about the rating of your abstract on July 1st, 2016!